How to Read a Birth Chart Step by Step

Read a Birth Chart Step by Step

Understanding our birth chart can illuminate various aspects of our lives, offering insights into both fortunate and challenging periods and helping us foresee significant events. While professional astrologers provide in-depth analyses, you can grasp some basic principles to read your own birth chart. We’ll outline a few simple guidelines to give you a broad understanding of your life’s different facets. Remember, for a more personalized and comprehensive reading, consulting an expert like Rajesh Shrimali is recommended. However, delving into your birth chart on your own can be rewarding and insightful. Numerous astrology programs also offer free birth chart readings, making it easier to begin your exploration.

The First and Essential Step

For creating a free kundli online, visit the trustworthy astrology software at Simply enter your birth details, including your date, time, and place of birth, into the provided fields. This will generate your birth chart, which you can then use to explore various aspects of your life.

The Birth Chart A Brief Overview

A birth chart comprises twelve houses, each representing a distinct aspect of life. Alongside twelve zodiac signs and nine planets, the chart’s interpretation depends on the planets’ positions within these houses and signs. By analyzing these placements, we can uncover insights into various life facets. Here are the general significations of all twelve houses:

First house- Your personality
Second house- Your wealth, speech, food and family
Third house- Your siblings, travel, skills and talents
Fourth house- Your house, vehicles and happiness in life
Fifth house- Your intelligence, creativity, children and entertainment
Sixth house- Your debts, competitors, diseases, maternal side
Seventh house- Your spouse, marriage, partnership and the outer world
Eight house- Your miseries, sudden events, inheritance, unearned wealth
Ninth house- Your luck, religion, long travels, father, teachers, mentors
Tenth house- Your career, prestige, status, power
Eleventh house- Your social circle, desires, gains
Twelfth house- Your losses, expenses, hidden enemies and Moksha

Read Birth Chart for Marriage

A birth chart offers significant insights into one’s married life, including details about a spouse. The seventh house specifically represents marriage, and the zodiac sign and planets positioned within this house reveal key information about one’s marital experiences. If the seventh house is afflicted or influenced by malefic planets, marital challenges may arise. Each planet’s presence in the seventh house brings unique effects, influencing the marriage differently. Let’s delve deeper into these aspects.

Different astrological signs can influence relationships.

The planets’ placements in the seventh house of a birth chart provide unique insights into one’s married life. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Sun: Indicates a strong personality and dynamic interactions in relationships.
  • Moon: Suggests emotional sensitivity and potential changes in partnerships.
  • Mercury: Reflects good communication skills, though relationships might be unpredictable.
  • Venus: Signifies harmony and love in partnerships.
  • Mars: Points to passionate but sometimes contentious relationships.
  • Jupiter: Denotes beneficial and supportive partnerships.
  • Saturn: Suggests relationships that come with challenges and lessons.
  • Rahu (North Node): Indicates unconventional relationships and unexpected events.
  • Ketu (South Node): Points to karmic ties and a sense of detachment in partnerships.

To understand your married life better, you can generate a free kundli online and analyze the planetary placements in your seventh house.

Read Birth Chart for Career

Your birth chart provides significant insights into your job and career, with the tenth house specifically representing your career path and professional life. The presence of different planets in this house influences your career in various ways:

  • Sun: Brings success and recognition in your career.
  • Moon: Indicates a fluctuating career path with a focus on emotional fulfillment.
  • Mercury: Reflects versatility and adaptability in career choices.
  • Venus: Suggests a career in creative pursuits and harmony in professional life.
  • Mars: Signifies ambition and a strong drive for career achievement.
  • Jupiter: Promotes growth and expansion in career opportunities.
  • Saturn: Indicates challenges and lessons that lead to eventual career success.
  • Rahu (North Node): Points to an unconventional career path and a strong desire for recognition.
  • Ketu (South Node): Brings karmic lessons that impact career choices and a detachment from worldly success.

To gain deeper insights into your career, you can generate a free kundli online and analyze the planetary placements in your tenth house.

Read Birth Chart for Business

Your birth chart holds essential information about your business and career prospects, with the seventh house representing your business relationships and the tenth house highlighting your professional achievements. The planets in these houses can signal potential successes and challenges in your business ventures and career advancement, especially if malefic planets influence these areas, potentially creating obstacles in your partnerships and aspirations.

Understanding the planetary effects in these houses can provide valuable insights into your future prospects. The seventh house, focusing on partnerships and business relationships, reveals key aspects of your business ventures through the signs and planets it hosts. Similarly, the tenth house is crucial for understanding your career and public image, shedding light on your professional achievements and aspirations.

Each planet’s placement in these houses brings different outcomes:

  • Sun: Leadership in business partnerships.
  • Moon: Emotional fluctuations in business relationships.
  • Mercury: Vital communication skills in business collaborations.
  • Venus: Harmony and creativity in partnerships.
  • Mars: Ambition and drive for success in alliances.
  • Jupiter: Growth and expansion in business partnerships.
  • Saturn: Challenges and lessons in business alliances.
  • Rahu (North Node): Unconventional approaches to business partnerships.
  • Ketu (South Node): Karmic lessons impacting business collaborations.

By generating a free kundli online and analyzing the placements of planets in your seventh and tenth houses, you can gain deeper insights into your business and career potential.
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Get Personal Future Predictions Based on Date of Birth

A lot of people are interested in discovering what lies ahead in their future. Astrology offers detailed insights into our personal experiences. Predicting an individual’s future involves foreseeing different areas of their life. The positions of the planets at the time of birth reveal the person’s life path. Let’s delve deeper into this captivating subject.

What are personal future predictions?

Forecasting an individual’s personal future offers a profound understanding of their life’s various dimensions. By analyzing the celestial map of their birth, which captures the planetary alignment at the exact moment of their arrival, valuable insights can be gleaned. The unique arrangement of planets in this birth map holds karmic significance, implying a connection to the individual’s past actions and their resulting consequences. As a result, the person is destined to experience the outcomes of this specific planetary configuration, be they beneficial or challenging, in their current lifetime.

A person’s astrological profile is made up of 12 sections, 9 celestial bodies, 12 zodiac symbols, and 27 lunar divisions. The position of these celestial bodies within these various categories can have either favorable or unfavorable consequences in a person’s life. Each section is linked to distinct areas of life, and the placement of celestial bodies within them can greatly influence the outcomes in those areas. For instance, the section associated with family and financial matters can lead to monetary struggles and strained relationships with loved ones if it is negatively impacted.

By examining a person’s birth chart, astrologers can foresee the potential benefits and challenges they may encounter in their current lifetime. Through the study of kundli, these insights can offer individuals a deeper understanding of themselves, enabling them to acknowledge and come to terms with their shortcomings, rather than dwelling on them with dissatisfaction.

Personal future forecasts provide a glimpse into a person’s life. By delving into their astrological chart and the karmic ties associated with it, individuals can enhance their decision-making and address obstacles more effectively by being better informed.

What do personal future predictions include?

At birth, every individual arrives on Earth with a unique spiritual ledger, which determines their celestial blueprint. This birth chart, in turn, holds the key to unlocking a wealth of information about a person’s life, including forecasts that can reveal a range of insights about their destiny.

Character traits: the ascending sign of your birth chart reveals your character, disposition, emotional tone, positive qualities, vulnerabilities, and outlook on life. By examining the first house, you can gain a deeper understanding of an individual’s personality and essence.

The second house in astrology represents family and material wealth. It provides insights into the individual’s family background, financial situation, relationships within the family, communication style, personal values, dietary habits, and early education.

The third house in a birth chart provides insight into one’s siblings, as well as revealing information about personal abilities, skills, and leisure activities. It also sheds light on brief journeys, friendships, and recreational pursuits. Through a closer examination of this house, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their innate gifts and natural aptitudes.

The type of home you will reside in, your relationship with your mother, the level of domestic happiness and tranquility you will experience, and the number of vehicles you may possess can be revealed by examining the fourth house.

Your birth chart reveals insights into your educational path, including your aptitude for learning, potential interruptions in your academic pursuits, and whether your academic achievements will translate into a successful career. It also sheds light on your intellectual abilities, preferred subjects, and likelihood of pursuing advanced degrees, all of which can be deciphered from the various houses in your kundli.

Wellness: your overall vitality, susceptibility to certain illnesses, potential risks of surgical interventions or accidental harm, and likelihood of experiencing severe health crises, such as long-term impairment or amputation, can be inferred from an analysis of your birth chart.

Your marital bliss, including the depth of your partner’s affection, the joy you’ll experience together, and the characteristics of your spouse, can be revealed through an analysis of your birth chart (kundli).

Your professional path, including entrepreneurial pursuits or traditional employment, can be revealed through astrology, which provides insight into your potential for success, earning potential, and level of recognition.

Challenges: your birth chart reveals areas of vulnerability, potential obstacles, and the sources of stress and anxiety in your life.

Fortune plays a role in how smoothly your tasks are accomplished, the level of support receive from your family, the depth of your religious beliefs, and other aspects of life.

Exploration: will you venture overseas, establish a permanent residence, what motivates you to explore international territories, or will you relocate after tying the knot, and other related questions.

Prosperity and Recognition: Your birth chart holds the key to unlocking information about your potential for wealth, fame, and social status. It can reveal whether you’ll be widely recognized, the extent of your social connections, and the likelihood of your desires being fulfilled.

Setbacks: are there potential risks of suffering defeats, pilferage, or deceitful acts? Can the birth chart reveal indications of treachery, rivalry, or other forms of hostility that may affect one’s life?

Personal Growth: How will you nurture your inner self? Will you embark on a path of self-discovery, uncovering the profound significance of existence and ultimately, achieving enlightenment and freedom?

Mortality: the circumstances surrounding your passing, including the likelihood of succumbing to a prolonged illness, sudden accident, or other cause. Additionally, insight can be gained into whether your final days will be spent in the comfort of your hometown or in a distant location.

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Rahu In Astrology

Role and Importance Of Rahu In Astrology

Introduction to Rahu:

In the vast tapestry of astrology, Rahu stands as a celestial entity shrouded in mystery and fascination. It is one of the nine significant astronomical points known as Grahas or planets in Vedic astrology. Unlike the physical planets, Rahu is a shadowy planet, often referred to as the North Node of the Moon.

The Mythological Tale: To grasp the essence of Rahu’s significance, one delves into ancient Hindu mythology. According to the tale, Rahu is the severed head of an immortal demon, Svarbhānu, who cunningly consumed the nectar of immortality during the churning of the cosmic ocean. Vishnu, the preserver in Hindu cosmology, promptly decapitated him for this act of deceit. However, since Svarbhānu had already sipped the elixir, his head became immortal, while his body perished. Thus, Rahu symbolizes the head without a body, signifying cravings and desires detached from worldly consequences.

Astrological Significance:

Rahu holds a unique place in Vedic astrology, wielding considerable influence over human lives. It represents worldly desires, obsessions, ambitions, and unconventional pursuits. Unlike the luminaries, Rahu and Ketu (the South Node) are shadow planets, devoid of physical form, yet potent in their impact.

Rahu’s Role in the Natal Chart:

In the intricate map of one’s birth chart, Rahu’s placement and aspects are meticulously analyzed to discern its effects. It often signifies areas of life where one seeks fulfillment, sometimes to the point of obsession. Rahu’s influence can propel individuals towards unconventional paths, innovation, and uncharted territories. However, this pursuit may come at the cost of stability or adherence to societal norms.

Effects of Rahu’s Influence:


The influence of Rahu is multifaceted and can manifest in various aspects of life. It may instigate a relentless drive for material success, leading individuals to pursue wealth, power, or recognition with fervor. However, this pursuit can also create inner turmoil, as Rahu’s energies may lead to dissatisfaction even upon achieving worldly goals.

Karmic Connections: In Vedic astrology, Rahu is intrinsically linked to karma, the cosmic law of cause and effect. Its placement in the birth chart is believed to signify karmic debts and lessons that an individual must confront in this lifetime. Consequently, the challenges posed by Rahu serve as opportunities for spiritual growth and self-realization.

Rahu’s Transit and Dasha Effects:

Apart from its placement in the natal chart, Rahu’s transits and dasha periods also hold significance in astrology. During Rahu’s transit through different zodiac signs, its effects may vary, influencing collective and individual destinies alike. Similarly, the dasha or planetary period of Rahu can bring forth significant changes and experiences in one’s life, depending on its alignment with other planetary influences.

Remedies and Mitigation: Astrology offers various remedies to mitigate the adverse effects of Rahu’s influence. These may include spiritual practices, charitable acts, wearing gemstones, or performing specific rituals prescribed by astrologers. However, it is essential to approach these remedies with reverence and understanding, acknowledging the deeper spiritual lessons encoded within astrological configurations.

Conclusion: In the labyrinth of astrological intricacies, Rahu emerges as a potent force shaping human destinies. Its enigmatic influence, symbolizing desires and karmic lessons, permeates the fabric of existence, guiding individuals towards self-discovery and spiritual evolution. While navigating the cosmic dance of Rahu, one must embrace its lessons with humility and mindfulness, recognizing the interplay of fate and free will in the eternal journey of the soul.

6 Plants to Avoid at Home as per Vastu

Plants have long been cherished for their beauty, health benefits, and ability to uplift the ambiance of any space. In addition to their aesthetic appeal, many believe that plants also bring positive energy into our homes. However, according to the ancient Indian architectural system of Vastu Shastra, not all plants are considered auspicious for the home environment. Vastu Shastra emphasizes the importance of harmonizing the energies within a space to promote well-being and prosperity. As such, it suggests avoiding certain types of plants within the home. Here are eight plants that are generally considered unfavorable according to Vastu principles:

Cactus: While cacti are known for their resilience and low maintenance, they are believed to emit negative energy according to Vastu Shastra. Their spiky appearance is thought to create discord and disrupt the flow of positive energy in the home.

Bonsai: Despite their popularity as ornamental plants, bonsai trees are often discouraged in Vastu. The stunted growth of bonsai trees symbolizes stagnation and lack of progress, which is considered unfavorable for the inhabitants of the home.

Milkweed: Milkweed plants, although valued for their role in supporting monarch butterflies, are associated with instability and discord in Vastu Shastra. Their presence in the home is believed to create tension and disharmony among family members.

Bamboo: While bamboo is widely regarded as a symbol of good luck and prosperity in many cultures, its placement within the home should be done with caution according to Vastu principles. Bamboo plants are believed to attract negative energies when placed in certain areas of the home, particularly the bedroom.

Bonsai Peepal (Ficus): The Peepal tree holds great significance in Hindu mythology and is often revered. However, bonsai versions of the Peepal tree are considered inauspicious in Vastu Shastra. They are believed to bring about financial instability and health issues.

Tamarind plant : 

Tamarind plants are thought to draw negative energy, making it advisable to avoid planting them near or inside your home. Their presence could potentially attract unfavorable influences and disturb mental tranquility, in accordance with.

Vastu Tips For Government Job

Vastu Tips For Government Job

Vastu Tips for Securing a Government Job - Rajesh Shrimali

In the pursuit of a stable and prosperous career, landing a government job holds immense value. However, the journey towards achieving this goal can be challenging. Fortunately, Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science, offers valuable insights and tips to enhance your chances of success in securing a government job.

Understanding Vastu Tips for Government Job Seekers:

Ideal Direction for Study Area: Position your study or workspace in the north or northeast direction of your home. This direction is associated with knowledge, wisdom, and mental clarity, fostering a conducive environment for focused study and preparation.

Declutter Your Space: Keep your study area clean, clutter-free, and well-organized. Clutter can create obstacles in your path to success and hinder productivity. Maintain a tidy environment to promote positive energy flow and enhance concentration.

Alignment with Cosmic Energy: Vastu principles emphasize aligning your surroundings with the flow of cosmic energy. Implementing these tips can help create a conducive environment for focus, positivity, and clarity of thought, which are vital for government job seekers.
Optimal Study Space: Vastu recommends specific directions and placements for study areas. Setting up your study space according to Vastu guidelines can enhance concentration, memory retention, and overall productivity, boosting your chances of success in government job exams.
Harmonious Living Environment: Vastu encourages harmony between individuals and their living spaces. By adhering to Vastu tips, government job seekers can create a balanced and peaceful environment at home, reducing stress and distractions during their preparation phase.
Positive Energy Flow: Vastu emphasizes the importance of positive energy flow throughout the home. Following Vastu principles can facilitate the smooth circulation of positive energy, fostering a sense of optimism, confidence, and resilience among job seekers as they navigate the competitive recruitment process.
Enhanced Career Opportunities: Implementing Vastu tips can create an auspicious environment conducive to attracting career opportunities. By aligning their living and working spaces with Vastu principles, government job seekers may experience a favorable influence on their career paths, leading to increased chances of success in job interviews and examinations.
Clarity of Mind: Vastu principles advocate for clutter-free and organized living spaces. By decluttering and organizing their surroundings according to Vastu guidelines, job seekers can promote mental clarity, enabling them to study effectively, make informed decisions, and perform well in interviews and exams.
Positive Reinforcement: Adhering to Vastu tips serves as a form of positive reinforcement, instilling discipline and commitment in government job seekers. By following these principles, individuals demonstrate their dedication to their goals, which can enhance motivation and resilience, essential qualities for navigating the challenges of job hunting in the government sector.
Stress Reduction: Vastu-compliant living spaces are designed to minimize stress and promote overall well-being. By incorporating Vastu tips into their daily routines, government job seekers can create a serene and supportive environment that alleviates anxiety and fosters a sense of calmness, thereby enhancing their ability to focus and perform under pressure during examinations and interviews.

Consulting with an Astrologer:

If you’re seeking additional guidance and personalized advice on implementing Vastu tips for government job, consulting with an astrologer can provide valuable insights. An astrologer can analyze birth chart, assess your strengths and weaknesses, and offer tailored recommendations to align your environment with favorable cosmic energies conducive to success.


Vastu Remedies For South Facing Homes – Vastu Tips

Lord Yama, the God of Death, rules the direction to the south. Having a house facing south is always a cause for anxiety because there are a lot of unfounded myths around it. This is so because, according to Vastu, all directions have advantages and disadvantages of their own.

Vastu is required in this case, if your home faces south, in order to maximise the favourable aspects and minimise the bad ones. We have included useful Vastu remedies for south-facing homes in this post, along with advice on what to do and what not to do according to Vastu Shastra.

Vastu Remedies For South Facing Homes – Vastu Tips, Rules and Guidelines

Shared below are some effective South facing house Vastu tips, rules and guidelines that are helpful in taking care of Vastu dosha due to direction. Follow these Vastu tips for having a positive home.

  • Make South the Highest Direction

Make sure that there are no depressions or holes in the south direction of the house. Except south west, it is suppose to higher than all other directions.

  • Focus on Shape

It is important to have the house in square or rectangle shape. If south direction is increased then cut it to make either of the shapes.

  • Seating Direction

While sitting in the house, you must always face the South. This is because you are facing the God of Death and receiving positive vibes from North.

  • Place Heavy Objects

All the heavy furniture should be placed in the south direction of the house.

  • Open Area in South

If there is an open area in South which is equal to or bigger than the building’s height then use it for planting trees.

  • Walls, doors and windows

The walls in the southern direction should be thicker and should have lesser openings. Therefore, lesser doors and windows should be on the southern wall.

  • Use of Red Color

On the outside of your house, use red colour in order to please Mars which rules the South direction.

  • Mangala Yantra

In the south direction, install Mangala Yantra as one of the effective south facing house vastu remedies.

  • Plants

Always plant heavy plants in pots in South direction in your house. Use big pots made of concrete. Indoor palms and rubber trees make good choices.

  • Open Spaces

Always have open spaces in North and East direction in house to invite positive energy into your home.

What to Avoid As Per South Facing House Vastu

It  is very important to know things to avoid to avoid south facing house Vastu problems:

  • Plot which slopes from north to south must be avoided.
  • Parking car in south should be avoided.
  • Entrance in pada from 5th to 9th should be avoided.
  • South-West corner must not have anything related to water.
  • More space in south over north should be avoided.
  • Any cut or extension in south must be avoided.
  • Kitchen in south west direction must be avoided.
  • Seating facing south should be avoided.

Important Things to Do As Per South Facing House Vastu

Based on Vastu remedies for South facing homes, here are the ten most important things to do in such houses:

  • South is a good direction to keep heavy objects.
  • Having stairs in south is fine.
  • The main entrance of the house should be on 4th pada.
  • Select a plot which slopes from south to north.
  • While cooking food, always face east or west.
  • Have a kitchen either in South-East or North-West direction.
  • North-East is the right corner to have living room or pooja room.
  • For guest room, North- West is a good choice.
  • Master bedroom fits well in the South-West direction.
  • North or North-West is ideal direction to have bathrooms.
Hanuman Jayanti 2024

Significance Of Hanuman Jayanti – What Is Importance Of Hanuman Jayanti – Hanuman Jayanti In 2024

Hanuman Jayanti is being celebrated by Hindus all over the world on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 to mark the birth of Lord Hanuman. An incarnation of Rudra, Lord Hanuman took birth to serve and assist Rama (an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) in His quest to annihilate the demon Ravana and establish Dharma on earth. Hanuman is thus the supreme devotee of Lord Ram.

On this sacred occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, let us look at Lord Hanuman’s life and see what we can learn from his earthly incarnation.

What Hanuman signifies

Know that Hanuman signifies the training and surrender of the senses. This is done to serve your Dharma, which is Lord Ram or the life purpose for which you have taken birth. Your senses are like monkeys, who, if not trained, can make your mind totally distracted and fragmented. However, when trained, this monkey will be very powerful and will serve all your worthy desires.

In the battle of Ramayana, when Lakshman was grievously injured by Indrajit’s weapon and was on the brink of death, Hanuman was asked to bring the Sanjeevani herb from the Himalayan peaks to revive the dying prince. Unable to figure which herb was needed, Hanuman lifted the entire mountain and flew back to Lakshman’s aid. This is the power of the senses once they have been tamed.

Ravana’s golden kingdom of Lanka signifies the illusionary castle of dreams in which the mind sometimes gets trapped. Hanuman was instrumental in destroying that castle and bringing the consciousness (Sita) back to her Dharma or Lord Rama to serve its life purpose

Hanuman Jayanti 2024

Importance of Hanuman Jayanti:

Symbol of Devotion: Hanuman exemplifies unparalleled devotion towards Lord Rama. His unwavering loyalty and selfless service are an inspiration for devotees striving for spiritual growth.

Embodiment of Strength: Hanuman’s colossal strength symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. His courage in facing adversities, such as crossing the ocean to reach Lanka or lifting the Sanjeevani mountain, instills faith in overcoming life’s challenges.

Bearer of Wisdom: Hanuman is revered as a repository of knowledge and wisdom. His teachings emphasize the power of humility, righteousness, and perseverance, guiding devotees on the path of righteousness.

Protector and Savior: Hanuman is believed to safeguard devotees from malevolent forces and provide solace during times of distress. His benevolent presence is invoked to dispel fear and bestow courage.

Unity and Harmony: Hanuman’s universal appeal transcends barriers of caste, creed, and religion, fostering unity and harmony among diverse communities. His message of service and devotion resonates with people worldwide.

Praying to Lord Hanuman

Hanuman Chalisa is very powerful text for attaining the grace of Lord Hanuman and invoking his blessings. At the conclusion of this poem, the last verses state:

Kundli Matching

Why Kundli Matching Is Important In Indian Marriages

The Significance of Kundli Matching in Indian Marriages

In India, the union of two individuals in marriage is not just a coming together of two souls, but also a fusion of families, cultures, and traditions. Amidst the myriad of rituals and ceremonies that mark the sacred bond of matrimony, one practice stands out for its deep-rooted significance: Kundli Matching.

Kundli, also known as Janam Kundli or Janampatri, is essentially a birth chart prepared based on the exact date, time, and place of an individual’s birth. It encapsulates the positions of celestial bodies at the time of one’s birth, influencing various aspects of life, including personality, career, health, and most importantly, relationships.

The practice of Kundli Matching, or Kundli Milan, is an age-old tradition in Indian culture, wherein the birth charts of the prospective bride and groom are compared and analyzed to assess their compatibility for marriage. This astrological scrutiny is not merely superstition; rather, it is deeply rooted in the belief that celestial configurations can significantly impact the harmony and longevity of a marital union.

Kundli Matching

Here are several reasons why Kundli Matching continues to hold immense importance in Indian marriages:

Compatibility Assessment: Kundli Matching serves as a tool to gauge the compatibility between the prospective couple on various fronts, including mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual compatibility. By examining the positions of planets and their influences on both individuals’ lives, astrologers can provide insights into potential areas of harmony and discord within the relationship.

Predicting Marital Bliss: The alignment of planets in the birth charts can offer clues about the couple’s future together. Favorable positions of key celestial bodies signify a harmonious marital life, while adverse configurations may indicate challenges or conflicts that need to be addressed proactively.

Family Approval: In many Indian families, the tradition of Kundli Matching is not just about the compatibility of the couple but also about seeking the blessings and approval of elders. A positive Kundli matching report often strengthens familial support and facilitates smoother acceptance of the marriage within the community.

Mitigating Risks: Kundli Matching is believed to mitigate the risks of marital discord, misunderstandings, and even divorce by identifying potential areas of conflict beforehand. Armed with this knowledge, couples can take preventive measures, seek guidance, or undertake remedial measures suggested by astrologers to avert or minimize adverse outcomes.

Cultural Continuity: For many Indians, Kundli Matching is not merely a matter of astrological compatibility but also a means of preserving cultural traditions and values. It is deeply ingrained in the fabric of Indian society, reflecting the reverence for ancient wisdom and the belief in cosmic influences on human life.

Psychological Reassurance: In a society where arranged marriages are still prevalent, Kundli Matching provides psychological reassurance to both the couple and their families. It instills a sense of confidence that the union is backed by cosmic alignment and celestial blessings, fostering trust and commitment between the partners.

While Kundli Matching continues to be a revered tradition in Indian marriages, it is essential to approach it with a balanced perspective. While astrology can offer valuable insights and guidance, it should not overshadow the importance of mutual understanding, respect, communication, and shared values in a relationship.

In conclusion,

Kundli Matching is not merely a ritualistic practice but a profound expression of faith, tradition, and cultural heritage. It embodies the timeless belief in the interconnectedness of the cosmos and human destiny, guiding couples on their journey towards marital bliss and harmony in the sacred institution of marriage.

Various Methods That Famous Astrologers Use For Horoscope Analysis And Predictions

Chart analysis and predicting the course of a person’s life through their planets and stars is the very basis of astrology in the current times. Astrologers take a look at their native’s birth chart and read through their energies to arrive at a definite understanding of what will happen in their future while helping them solve their present. However, with centuries of information passing down from generation to generation, a number of different ways have been developed by astrologers for reading these charts. Yes, there are more than one ways or methods used by famous astrologers all around the world to read horoscopes and make a predictive analysis of the native’s life. This article discusses the 6 most famous and well-documented methods of future prediction used by astrologers. But before that, let’s first understand the basic rules that apply to these methods.

Basic Rules

These are some of the basic rules of all astrology based

There are 12 signs and 9 planets which includes Rahu and Ketu (except for western astrology that takes Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus into account) Rashi Chart, Bhava Chart, Navamsa Chart, and transit chart are the most important Ayanamsa is also an important categorisation that divides different types of methods used for prediction.

Different Astrological Methods for Predictions Parashara Method Named after the Rishi Parashara who developed this method, the Parasara system is the most common amongst astrologers. It uses the Birth Lagna alongside planetary positions, transits, and Vimshotthari Dasha for the analysis of the birth chart of a person. As far as the Ayanamsa is concerned, the Parasara system uses the Lahiri Ayanamsa for calculations.

Jaimini Method
Naadi Astrology
BV Raman Astrology
Western Astrology

Astrology is as varied as the time that it has existed through. After thousands of years of analysis and changes in our understanding of the stars, there have been several changes in our methods of astrology. As an expert of Indian astrology, Rajesh Shrimali Ji is well versed with all the techniques used in astrology and uses a science-backed way of making predictions and suggesting remedies. Book your appointment to have your horoscope analysed by the expert today.


11 Mukhi Rudraksha

11 Mukhi Rudraksha: Everything To Know About

11 Mukhi Rudraksha - Rajesh Shrimali

11 Mukhi Rudraksha is a traditional blessing in disguise for humankind. It is a bead that has everything and is one of the most desired products for gaining multiple blessings in multiple forms. 11 Mukhi Rudraksha is highly desired because of its capacity to heal the unthinkable and also because it is an alternative to 14 Mukhi Rudraksha if worn with 7 Mukhi Rudraksha.

Story of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

As is well known, Lord Shiva saw reflections of people in misery and pain as he was meditating on Kailash Parvat. In one such tale, Kalkaarmukha, the devil, was causing misery to all people on Earth because, because of his courage and self-assurance, Brahma ji had bestowed upon him the blessing of invincibility. After a while, Kalkarmukh began abusing this authority and murdered eleven saints, or teachers of divine wisdom. The severed heads of these saints were once added to Kalkaarmukh’s body, and he abused every power he possessed to project dominance and terror.

The reason all the gods were afraid of him now was that they knew there was only one person who could vanquish the devil, and that someone had to be a godly saint who was born on Kalkaarmukh’s birthday and had eleven faces on their body. The Gods were certain that only Hanuman ji was capable of carrying out this unattainable combination, as it was an impossible undertaking.

Lord Hanuman was bestowed with the blessing of being able to adopt the form of a saint and continue to go to Earth to spread wisdom. Furthermore, Lord Hanuman possessed the capacity to change his physical shape whenever necessary. Lord Hanuman was asked by all the Gods to step up and assist everyone. For this reason, on the day that Kalkaarmukh was born, Lord Hanuman became a saint, took on eleven faces, and vanquished the devil.

Upon awakening from his meditation, Lord Shiva described this as an extraordinary display of bravery and daring, as well as an act of impossibility made possible.

The Shape of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

There are eleven lines on the face of the 11 Mukhi Rudraksha. These lines, which are sometimes referred to as cuts, clefts, or Mukhs, indicate the Rudraksha bead’s Mukhs. These cuts are extremely deep, exquisitely carved, parallelly arranged, and easily discernible even from a distance in a Nepali Rudraksha bead.

The cuts, clefts, and Mukhs in the 11 Mukhi Indonesian Rudraksha bead are not very visible up close. The bead needs to be closely studied. The Rudraksha’s lines are not very deep or clear, yet they may all be readily counted when it is illuminated by sunlight. 11 Mukhi Rudraksha is an oval-shaped bead that is mostly elliptical in shape rather than spherical. It is of Indonesian and Nepalese origin.

In contrast to the dark brown-colored, seemingly substantial Nepali Rudraksha bead, the Indonesian 11 Mukhi Rudraksha is light in weight and color. Make sure the Rudraksha bead is held vertically upside in a brightly visible light source when inspecting it for lines. Count all the way back to the beginning, starting at the head of the bead and moving clockwise. Now turn the bead over and repeat the process. The bead has no incorrect faces carved on it if the lines in both directions add up to 11.

Take the bead now and look at each line separately. Without any obstructions in between, the line should begin at the middle hole on the bead and extend all the way to the backside of the bead. You should do this for every line separately. For wearing purposes, the bead is correct if every line follows its path from the top hole to the bottom hole without breaking anywhere.

Although this process takes some time, it is preferable to spend an extra five minutes scanning than to be duped.

Size of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

11 Mukhi Indonesian Rudraksha is a small bead, approximately 12 to 15 mm big. It is a light-colored, oval-shaped bead, very lightweight. An average of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha of Indonesian origin weighs around 1.5 grams to 2 grams. A collector bead will be around 16 mm big and not heavier than 2.5 grams.

11 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha bead is comparatively bigger, darker and more evidently demanded. It is also oval shaped bead weighing around 2 grams to 3 grams. It will also be around 23 to 25 mm big. Some 11 Mukhi Rudraksha beads might be as big as 26 mm and around 3.5 to 4 grams in weight. These are a collector and super collector beads which are not very easy to find. Although, these are a little to find and thus, normally 25 mm is the cap on the Nepali Rudraksha bead in 11 Mukhi Rudraksha.

Effectiveness of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

There is a misconception that only Nepali Rudraksha beads are effective and Indonesian Rudraksha beads are not at all effective. The reality is, Indonesian Rudraksha beads are a little easy to find out than Nepali Rudraksha beads. This is why they are a little cheaper than Nepali Rudraksha beads. Also, Indonesian beads are a little smaller and lighter in weight than Nepali beads but they are not inferior.

11 Mukhi Rudraksha is effective in all formats, whether worn as an Indonesian Rudraksha origin or the Nepali Rudraksha bead origin.

An average Indonesian bead takes around 3 to 4 months to adapt to the body and start delivering good results whereas, an average Nepali bead takes around 30- 45 days maximum to adapt to the wearer’s body and try to start working positively.

Since Rudraksha has no side effects, it is advised to wear the bead in any manner and make sure that there is no violation of the do’s and don’ts only while wearing. All other things are fine and there is no need to worry about them as well.

Ruling God of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

Rudraksha on 11 Mukhi is auspicious from every planet. The 11 Muhi Rudraksha has so many advantages that it is difficult to focus on just one, thus there isn’t a single planet that will look after the user. This is the reason why the bearer of an 11 Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by all the planets together. This does not imply that 11 Mukhi will be highly beneficial in any serious crisis that is unique to a planet. It simply indicates that whoever wears an 11 Mukhi Rudraksha will not experience any planetary difficulties, and if they do, they must wear the appropriate Rudraksha to address them. On the other hand, since 11 Mukhi Rudraksha is one of the more potent beads, the wearer does not need to doubt its strength in the slightest.

The Mantra of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

11 Mukhi Rudraksha is worshipped by the devotees of Lord Hanuman and the devotees of Lord Shiva who want a lot of bravery and courage in their lives. The mantra to wear and worship 11 Mukhi Rudraksha is:

Om Hreem Namah


Om Namah Shivaay

The wearer of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha can just say one of these two shlokas or do a Jaap of these shlokas 108 times before wearing the bead and then wearing it. There is an alternate way also. If the wearer is unable to say these two mantras, then 108 times recitation of the Gayatri Mantra is also very powerful to ignite the energies of Rudraksha. Then the bead can be easily worn.

11 Mukhi Rudraksha

Method of Wearing 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

It is recommended to wear 11 Mukhi Rudraksha on Tuesdays. After Tuesday, Monday and Thursday are also suitable days to wear 11 Mukhi Rudraksha.

After completing your daily tasks, take a bath, go to a Pooja room, and wake up in the morning. Store the Rudraksha in a fine stone plate or a bowl made of gold, silver, copper, brass, or steel. Transfer them onto a clay plate if you don’t have any of these. Put on a red cloth if you don’t already have one (use Tul fabric if you don’t have any; if not, use any brand-new, fresh red cloth). On the Rudraksha bead, apply Itra (Attar), Chandan (Sandalwood), Bhasmi (Vibhuti), Til, Roli, Akshat, and other Pooja Samagri. Continue saying the aforementioned mantras nonstop. Put your hands together and ask the Lord to grant you happiness and progress.

As an alternative, you can offer Rudrabhishek on the bead by taking it to a Shiva temple. Recall that you should not bring the bead to a Hanuman Murti or shrine. It is improper to gift Rudraksha to Lord Hanuman, even if he blesses the bead. We’ll discuss the background tale for the same soon.

Benefits of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

The 11 Mukhi Rudraksha bead offers several perks and benefits. Given that 11 Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by every planet in astrology as well as numerous gods on Earth, it is important. In this manner, the wearer of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha receives the advantages in a heaping helping, which are as follows.

General Benefits of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

The wearer of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha is bestowed with the might of three gods and all of the solar system’s planets. Additionally, 11 Mukhi Rudraksha aids in transforming the wearer into their greatest self. The anxiety of failing and the stress of not making it to one’s destinations are released from the user of this bead. Wearing an 11 Mukhi Rudraksha can help those who are frightened to act or who believe they will never be able to attain their goals because they are too timid to make the first move. It’s also known as the Rudraksha for introverts since, in order to take on a task they feel unqualified to undertake, introverts require a great deal of bravery and the support of a reliable companion. 11 Mukhi Rudraksha turns into the dependable companion who gives someone the confidence to carry out the necessary actions and get rid of any internal dread.

Medical Benefits of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

11 Mukhi Rudraksha prevents the user from a lot of medical issues and diseases like stomach disorders, indigestion, acidity, and stomach ulcers. 11 Mukhi Rudraksha has the power to collaborate with the powers of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha and make the wearer feel better and much eased with regards to the above-mentioned issues.

One more reason why 11 Mukhi Rudraksha is such a powerful bead is that it helps the wearer in the prevention of all major types of Cancers. If the person already has Cancer, then 11 Mukhi Rudraksha helps the person develop a healthy lifestyle and try to heal their cancer in the best manner possible. However, it is no proven course to completely remove Cancer. For this reason, the wearer of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha will either be prevented from Cancer or will be prevented from the excruciating pain that Cancer can provide. This bead tries to give a ray of hope to the person along with easing the pain a little bit so that life is not as cruel to them as it could have been otherwise.

Business Benefits of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha

11 Mukhi Rudraksha is extremely useful for people who want to enter into business. The reason is very simple. This bead gives the wearer power and courage to take action on anything they decide upon. This bead also teaches fearlessness and control. The wearer of 11 Mukhi Rudraksha is not scared of anything coming their way and thus they try to take over things in their manner. This is why, the endless hours of dedication, sacrifice, troubles, failures, and disappointments that come with the struggles of starting o maintaining a business becomes very easy to handle as 11 Mukhi Rudraksha makes sure that the wearer is actually able to make the fullest utilization of the powers bestowed upon them by the Rudraksha bead.

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